Sunday, April 24, 2011

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Soldiers mimic Britney Spears

britney spears dance
britney spears

The video of a group of soldiers dancing the ultimate success of Britney Spears is all the rage in social networking. The military displayed on a video posted on YouTube, dancing and singing the song "Hold it Against Me."

to acknowledge the gesture, the blonde Twitter video shared and commented: "I love this video. I always knew that our soldiers were brave. Thanks for all you do. Britney, "wrote the princess of pop.

britney spears musical
britney spears

Marines belong to the regiment 266 of the U.S. military is in the war zone.

After arduous rehearsals and recording sessions that lasted three months in short, the crew launched on Channel 18 atarin YouTube video that has now become celebrities in the network. RPP

Video: Marines dance like Britney Spears.


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