Monday, July 19, 2010

Cervical Ectropion Can I Still Conceive

passages: Marketing tourism emotional: a new framework for tourism brands

emotional Tourism marketing: A New Framework reference for tourism brands
These days I reflect back on this blog on emotional advertising and tourism, shelling out why our tourism image and how it built. I think I should close the cycle of making reference to what in my opinion should consider Spain as a tourist destination and generally any business entity that has a good work in this sector. As a conceptual framework I bring up the ideas explored on the marking Spain with reference to the magnificent work Emotional Branding by Marc Gobe . I'm going to allow the license to adapt its principles to our business and about them, speak on the new approach to be taken by any self-respecting tourist brand.

How to read this post? Marc Gobe

is very clear. Postulated the 10 principles of emotional advertising and on this basis, I related my ideas and I searched for my paradigmatic examples of the new scenario in which we are immersed. Some still think that Web 2.0 is far away. For them especially dedicated the benchmark companies that quote and destinations that are emerging in their sectors and who have assimilated the new marketing paradigms century. Isaac Vidal it did in its day reference to it in his blog. Therefore still need to evangelize in our industry and much, much coaching 2.0. I personally perceive and noticeable results in the sector in which I move. Ojiplaticos are no longer trying to crack the code of the conversation. Now tourism is the actors themselves who want to talk. They know it is important to their business strategy. They know the power of the client perceived the conversation.
I recommend that the examples, visit the different sections of sites you propose, your videos, its design and appeal to emotions in an intelligent manner, as set out conversations with their customers by inviting them to engage with the brand proposition seeking confirmation of it. All images are associated with their links to make navigation easier. For

I dedicate all my adaptation of the 10 points that interpret Gobé as follows:

  • Fork people: in the new economy XXI century witnessed the end of the era of marketing interruption and on the contrary, the establishment of the age of permission marketing. The time of our clients is important and makes grants to not more than 10 minutes of attention. Will we be able to take advantage and have an interesting story that seduces your attention?. That will be the key to success in the surroundings of the company 2.0. The ongoing conversation is underway and this will force brands to talk to their customers. 2.0 Society demands it. That's happening now and the trend will be successful for communicate and disappearance of the stage for those who refuse to do so. The "consumer" is a captive of the marks on the contrary, those governing the markets with their conversation.
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  • Proceeds to the experience: products meet consumer needs in the best and yet experiences meet the customer's wishes. We are not sellers beds, we are sellers experiences. And tourist services not packaged as before and to advertise through printed catalogs, we now create credible stories and pass them through the tools 2.0. And do not endorse products or services, we are told stories and storytelling and storytellers. No longer went tour operations, we are now directors of the experiences resulting from the trust in our brands for the consumer century. Got it?. (Link to marketing XXI century). The experience seekers .
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  • From hone Stid to trust. Like the concept that quality is amortized in our industry, honesty is assumed. Trust is intimate and binding among humans. It's something to be conquered. Recommendation systems, opinion forums, blogs and social networking, conversation is the new ecosystem of our brand. Although not unique. Reputation, visibility and proactive defense of brands are fighting in these trenches. Brands have to be willing to share their strategy with customers to discuss and build value on this relationship. This is the case of Tablet Hotels . Will you let them tell you?. Like it is too late.

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  • quality, to take precedence: quality currently comodity status while generating mode preference for my brand is leading to sales. Preference is to add value and that the customer perceives it as such awakening insights. "We link our customers with our brand to have a preference for our destinies?. Do we do what we need for our customers to perceive the presence of our brand?. This is the question.

  • Of notoriety to aspiration: our brand is known not mean it is loved in the market. Budgets, politics, human resources are necessary but not the key to success and our brands. Our brand should be intended and desired emotionally in the scenarios in which it works and it depends on the intelligent management of human resources that govern our brand. Are we desired in our markets and to our customers and suppliers?.

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  • The identity of personality: identity is the recognition and yet the personality has to do with character and charisma, with the thrill of desire for our brand. Personality is desired in the markets by users of trademarks. Sometimes represent the extension of the self or way of being. Do we have the strength and charisma to make our customers our brand evangelists?. Does your brand personality?.

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  • In the presence of ubiquity: ubiquity is seen . The presence is felt. The marks should dress experiences and these must be related, perceived and lived. In this new context of the dramatization of the experiences and the Dream Society, suggest it is always best to show. The seduction connecting brands with people. Does your brand presence?.

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  • From communication to dialogue: -way communication is a reflection of the marketing of the twentieth century. The new marketing requires dialogue. The conversation between brands and customers must be bidirectional. Do you share your strategy with who makes you useful and visible in the market. " "Talk to your customers?.

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  • of service to the relationship: the service is sold. Value is knowledge, attention, listening, recognition. In October 2007, the BBC dismissed 1,800 workers out of a total of 2,500 planned. "The media and audiences become transformed," said Mark Thompson, BBC director general, to employees. "I worry too see that (the BBC) becomes irrelevant," he said. In April 2008, the situation takes a 360 º: downloads platform BBC iPlayer launched in the wake of the restructuring of the strategy caused by the crisis, get 17 million downloads. In some programs, the online audience is reaching 10% of the total audience of it. Besides the popularity of BBC iPlayer triggered cross traffic to the site header "". servicing to interact bidirectionally with users, so does the marketing of the XXI century. How does our brand with our customers. "
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And your marketing strategy, Excited?.

emotional Tourism marketing: a new framework for tourism brands

Recommended Websites:

- home decor and ambience
- decoration and household goods
- Tour Packages


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