Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Use Gatsby Curly Hair

flights: Semana Santa Ferrol 2010

Semana Santa Ferrol 2010
Semana Santa Ferrol 2010 declared of national touristic interest
Living Holy Week in Ferrol is an unforgettable experience. vuelos internacionales vuelos viajes vacaciones
Those who want to feel once again, both what they watch their eyes entranced as the close relationship established with the Ferrol, ties that are inseparable despite the inevitable evolution of time.
One of the best few Easter is celebrated throughout Spain and the most famous in Galicia with Viveiro Easter.
The celebration aims this year aims to beat his record of visitors taking advantage of the tourist pull Xacobeo, to gather more than 100,000 tourists in the city, according to the Coordinator of Fraternities Ferrol. This year 3,000 brothers and 25 processions will give color and shape Ferrol Easter 2010.
The tradition of the Easter Ferrol dates back to medieval times, when Ferrol was little more than a small fishing village concentrated around the port area of \u200b\u200bFerrol Vello. And then organized the processions, which were popular from the eighteenth century and which has a special devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, patron saint of the city.
In 1995, these religious festivals were considered National Tourist Interest, but council and coordinator of fraternities have been working for the Semana Santa Ferrol is also considered Fiesta of International Tourist Interest in 2011 representing an unprecedented success in advertising and recognition of Easter. vuelos internacionales vuelos viajes vacaciones
Entombment Guild: The Brotherhood of Knights of the Holy Burial Carriers currently Abbreviation Brotherhood of Knights of the Holy Burial was founded on October 10, 1950 in the heart of the transformation was produced in the Guilds of Dolores and reached its legal foundation in 1991, with the canonical approval of its Statutes.
Dolores Guild: Venerable Royal and Most Illustrious Confraternity of the Holy Christ of Mercy and the Virgin of Sorrows (Dolores Guilds).
Brotherhood of the Third Order : Brotherhood of Guilds of the Third Order of Ferrol, is an association of Christian faithful established to give public and private worship Our Father Jesus of Ecce Homo and his Blessed Mother Mary in the mystery of its fundamental purpose Soledad.El the Brotherhood is to be an effective means for spiritual development of all its members, through the human and religious formation and Christian charity with those who need it.
Brotherhood of Mercy: We are a group of homes and Mulleres cun proxecto excited to walk since 1908 cam na nosa cidade de Ferrol. A proxecto which is to be Mercé to or cannot of hoxe. E facémolo, cos nous successful and Erros, nosa from the Brotherhood.
Brotherhood of Sorrows: The Pontifical, Royal and Illustrious Brotherhood of N ª. Lady of Sorrows is a public association of Christian faithful established on Modoñedo-Ferrol Diocese under the provisions of canon law.
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PROCESSION OF JESUS \u200b\u200bFRIEND OF CHILDREN Organizers: Brotherhood of Angustias11.15 pm: Blessing of Ramos11.30 hours: Exit procesiónRecorrido Sanctuary ( Place of Sorrows), Carlos III, Animas, Esteiro, Ramón y Cajal, withdrawal in the Church N ª. S ª. Pilar.Paso of Jesus Friend of Children. PROCESSION
Jesus' triumphal entry JERUSALÉNOrganiza: Guilds Dolores12.45 pm: Blessing of Ramos and procesiónRecorrido Output: Méndez Núñez, Real, Earth, Dolores, Méndez Núñez and retirada.Pasos: San Juan Evangelista (S. XVII ), The Borriquita (Massagué). PROCESSION OF ECCE
HOMOOrganiza: Order Guilds Tercera20.00 horasRecorrido: Chapel of the Venerable Third Order of St. Francis, Third Order Glorietade, Real, Rubalcava, Plaza de Armas, Dolores, MéndezNúñez, Real, Glorieta of the Third Order , Chapel venerableOrden Third of San Francisco.Pasos: St. Peter the Apostle (Anonymous, XVIII century), Cristo de la Buena Muerte (David Santos Feal, 2002) and Ecce Homo (Florencio Gambino, 1750).
Wednesday, 13 of St. marzode 2010Concatedral Julián20.30 h.ACTOS LITÚRGICOSEN DE LA CONCATEDRALDE ARE JULIÁNDOMINGO RAMOS28 of marzo11.45 h.Bendición Palmas and Ramos12.00 h.Santa MisaJUEVES SANTO1 of abril18 .00 h.Cena him Señor22.00 h.Hora SantaVIERNES SANTO2 of abril11.00 h.Vía Crucis17.00 h.Celebración of Pasión20.00 h.Acto of VísperasSÁBADO SANTO3 of abril23.00 h.Vigilia Pascualsemana Santa 2010LUNES SANTO ( March 29) Coronation Procession of LA THORN, THE FALL AND THE FIRST LADY OF THE AMARGURAOrganiza: Guilds Dolores21.00 horasRecorrido: Méndez Núñez, Real, Earth, Dolores, Méndez Núñez and retirada.Pasos: The Crown of Thorns of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the road PrimeraCaída painful and the Blessed Virgin in her bitterness.
HOLY TUESDAY (March 30) PROCESSION OF CHRIST THE GOOD MUERTEOrganiza: Guilds Tercera20.00 horasRecorrido Order: Chapel of the Venerable Third Order of St. Francis, Third Order Glorietade, Espartero, Baluarte, Socorro, Merced, BenitoVicetto , San Francisco and Chapel of the Venerable Third Order of SanFrancisco. On arrival at the Parish Church Relief will laofrenda flowers on the image holder Parroquia.Pasos: Cristo de la Buena Muerte (David Dos Santos Feal, 2002). PROCESSION OF JESUS \u200b\u200bBOUND TO COLUMN, THE CRISTODEL RELIEF AND THE BLESSED VIRGIN ESPERANZAOrganiza: Guilds Dolores - 21.00 horasRecorrido: Méndez Núñez, Real, Earth, Dolores, Méndez Núñez and retirada.Pasos: Jesus at the Pillar, the Relief Christ, Christ andthe penitential Virgen de la Esperanza (Anonymous, S. XVII). Easter
2010MIÉRCOLES SANTO (March 31)
CRISTODE PROCESSION OF THE NAVEGANTES19.30 horasRecorrido: Barrio de Ferrol Vello.Paso Christ of Navegantes.PROCESIÓN OF OUR SEÑORADE LA MERCED AND SANTÍSIMOCRISTO REDENTOROrganiza: Brotherhood of the Merced19.30 horasRecorrido: Capilla de la Merced, Mary, Méndez Núñez, Real, Earth, Dolores, Plaza de Amboage, Arce, Mary, Chapel Merced.Pasos: Our Mother de la Merced (Jesus Mendez Lastrucci, 2004) yCristo Redeemer (Jose Rivas, 1927).
CRISTODEL PROCESSION OF FORGIVENESS AND MARY SANTÍSIMADE THE DESAMPARADOSOrganiza: Brotherhood of Angustias21.00 horasRecorrido: Sanctuary (square of Sorrows), Paseo de Pablo Iglesias, Carmen, Real, Coruña, Magdalena, Carmen and take in the Sanctuary den meetings. S ª. Angustias.Pasos of Christ's Forgiveness (Felipe Guerra, 1864) and the Virgin of losDesamparados (Portugal, S. XIX). Easter
2010PROCESIÓN OF PENITENCIAOrganiza: Guilds Dolores21.30 hours: Act Penitencial22.00 hours: Exit procesiónRecorrido: Méndez Núñez, Real, Earth, Dolores, Méndez Núñez and retirada.Paso: Reclining Christ
HOLY THURSDAY ( April 1) PROCESSION OF THE PAPAL, REAL E ILUSTRECOFRADÍA OF OUR LADY OF ANGUSTIASOrganiza: Brotherhood of Angustias19.30 horasRecorrido: Sanctuary (square of Sorrows), Carlos III, Españoleto, Soto, Santo Amaro, Lugo, Real, Sánchez Barcaíztegui, Magdalena, Carmen, walk Pablo Iglesias and solemn retreat at the Shrine of N ª. S ª. delas Angustias.Pasos: Jesus of Nazareth (Florencio Severo Gambino, S. XVIII), Christ laAgonía (Florencio Severo Gambino, 1789), Reclining Christ (William Feal, 1957), N ª. S ª. of Sorrows (Anonymous, XVIII century). PROCESSION OF CHRIST OF THE BLESSED MARY MISERICORDIAY PIEDADOrganiza: Guilds Dolores23.00 horasRecorrido: Méndez Núñez, Maria Arce, Real, Carmen, Galiano, square Dearman Dolores Méndez Núñez and retirada.Pasos: Agony in the Garden, Arrest, Cristo Redentor, Christ laMisericordia, Penitential Christ and Our Lady of Mercy.
weeks 2010VIERNES Holy Ghost (2 April) PROCESSION OF OUR LADY OF DOLORESOrganiza: Guilds Dolores11.00 horasRecorrido: Méndez Núñez, Real, and Plaza de Armas.Pasos Rubalcava: San Juan, Veronica and holy Virgin 2010semana holy 2010PROCESIÓN Dolores.semana JESUS \u200b\u200bNAZARENOOrganiza: Guilds Dolores11.15 horasRecorrido: Méndez Núñez, Dolores Plaza Armas.Paso Jesus Nazareno.PROCESIÓN OF SANTO ENCUENTROOrganiza: Guilds Dolores12.00 hours: ArmasRecorrido Square: Plaza de Armas, Dolores, Méndez Núñez, Dolores.Pasos Church of Jesus Nazareno, San Juan, Veronica and Virgin DoloresPROCESIÓN OF CRUCIFICADOOrganiza: HorasRecorrido Merced.16.45 Brotherhood of the Chapel of Mercy, Mary, Méndez Núñez, Dolores, La Coruña, Real, Arce, Mary Merced.Pasos Chapel of Christ the Redeemer (José Rivas, 1927). The Cross is the work of D. JesúsYáñez Leira (2007). PROCESSION OF TRASLADOOrganiza: Guilds Dolores18.30 horasPasos: San Juan Evangelista, Our Lady of Holy Dolores.semana ENTIERROOrganiza 2010PROCESIÓN DEL SANTO: Brotherhood of the Holy Entierro19.00 horasRecorrido: Cathedral of St Julian Church, Sanchez Barcaíztegui, Magdalena, Rubalcava, Real, San Diego, Magdalena, Sanchez Barcaíztegui, Church, Cathedral of San Julián.Pasos: Holy Shrine of the Holy Burial (Urbano Anido, 1891), the Holy Burial SantísimoCristo (Manuel Corgo, 1891), Virgin Dolores.PROCESIÓN OF SOLEDADOrganiza: Guilds Tercera21.00 horasRecorrido Order: Glorieta of the Third Order, Real, San Diego, Magdalena, Rubalcava, Real, Glorieta of the Third Order, Chapel of the Third VenerableOrden San Francisco.Pasos: Santa María Magdalena (Guillermo Otero Feal, 1956) and Blessed Virgin of Solitude (Anonymous, XVIII century). PROCESSION "OS caladin" Organizers: Guilds Dolores23.30 horasRecorrido: San Julián, Barcaíztegui Sánchez, Magdalena, Land, Real, Méndez Núñez, Amboage and retirada.Pasos: San Juan and Our Lady of Sorrows.
Holy Week 2010 Holy 2010semana
Holy Saturday (April 3) PROCESSION OF THE CHARITY AND THE SILENCIOOrganiza: Brotherhood of Sorrows - 20.30 9.00 horasDesde, collecting alms for the Holy Hospitalde Charity Refuge in exchange for a flower procession of floats enSemana Santa.Recorrido: Sanctuary (square of Sorrows), Paseo Pablo Iglesias, Carmen, Real, Cathedral of San Julián, where it delivers the council of Santo limosnaal Charity Hospital, "Church, Carmen , paseode Pablo Iglesias and withdrawal at the Shrine of N ª. S ª. of Angustias.Pasos: Shroud Cross (Anonymous, XVIII century), Virgen de la Caridad and Silence (Anonymous, S. XVIII).
Easter Sunday (April 4)
RESUCITADOAL PROCESSION OF JESUS \u200b\u200bMEETS HIS MADREOrganiza: Third Order Guilds - 12.00 horasRecorrido: Chapel of the Third Order, Real Earth, the Constitución.Paso plazade Jesus Risen (Workshops Olot, 2004).
MAGDALENAAL PROCESSION OF MEETING OF JESUS \u200b\u200bMARIA RESUCITADOOrganiza: Brotherhood of the Merced.12.15 horasRecorrido: Capilla de la Merced, Mary, Méndez Núñez, Dolores, Earth, Place de la Constitution.
Step: Maria Magdalena (2008). 2010PROCESIÓN Easter OF OUR LADY OF THE MEETING WITH HIS HIJOOrganiza LUZAL: Brotherhood of Sorrows. - 12.30 horasRecorrido: Sanctuary of Sorrows, Paseo de Pablo Iglesias, the Constitución.Paso plazade: Virgin of the Light (Anonymous, S. XIX).
RESURRECCIÓNOrganizan PROCESSION: Guilds of the Third Order, Merced and Angustias.12.30 pm: Joyful meeting in the Plaza de la Constitution (finalizadoel it will form a single procession of the guilds OrdenTercera, Mercy and Sorrows). 13.00 (approx.): Resetting the procesión.Recorrido: Plaza de la Constitution, Land, Real and withdrawal in the chapel of the Venerable Order Tercera.Pasos: Santa María Magdalena (David Dos Santos Feal, 2006), Jesus Resucitadoy Maria Santisima de la Luz (Anonymous, S. XIX).

Semana Santa Ferrol 2010

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Friday, July 23, 2010

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holiday packages: The image of tourism in Spain. Part one deals

The image of tourism in Spain. Part
pasaje paquetes vacaciones paquetes vacacionales few months ago, reflecting on 50 years of advertising in our country. I find it very interesting to investigate this time on tourism management and development Current tourist image of our country. In the sessions that I teach at the university on leisure and tourism, and economic importance in our societies, I always start the same pose the same question to the audience: "How old do you think has the branding and tourism in our country? ", few get it right. It would certainly be interesting open question in the same question to the audience that reads this blog regularly and almost certainly would be wrong when answering. I must admit that once I was struck by the same path. Configuration of the tourist image of a country like ours and especially the history of tourism management deals with this post.

"And then also from an artistic point of view and historical cities of art and has so much history to offer ... There are so many, so many things So many things sometimes unknown ..."

classical literature and imagery of tourism, Spain approach to icon
books and their authors are pillars and sources of knowledge we should all want. A good library will make you enjoy and you can inform ideas and success strategies. But let you know the why of things.

pasaje paquetes vacaciones paquetes vacacionales One book that once opened my mind to the true history of tourism in Spain was Tourist Miracle Angel Palomino of crystal form defining the situation the same in the 60-70 years . Little has changed since then. If actualizasemos currency units, pesetas for euros, almost the entire book could be published as the current in the national press. In the Region was Emili Soler, a former coworker, which I opened the window to "passengers" of yesteryear. It was for me a previously unknown facet: eighteenth-century travelers and how Spain seen through his travels and which gave rise to magnificent works such as Travel and mayor's political action Beramendi who like the works of botanical Cabanilles or travel Laborde portrayed our geography and especially the people of our lands as they pass through our country. Other interesting examples are the works The landscape of Spain and Andalusia in the romantic travelers . The myth of Andalusia in current geographical perspective , Travelers Traditionalists or the very interesting thesis on Consol Freixa The image of Spain in the eighteenth century English travelers in which emphasizes the perpetuation of clichés and stereotypes and lax when it comes to using information sources, on the other very common phenomenon nowadays .

The tourist image of Spain in the last 100 years

"... there is much to do that is so beautiful and we know .. . is absolutely amazing. "

The issue already advanced in the first post this year under the title Ephemerides 2007 published in my blog. If they enjoy in their day because I recommend it complements the reading now. Transistors, advertising, signage and stereotypes spoke of 50 years of advertising in our country and how the company Iberia Airlines in its 80 year history necessarily helped position the stereotype of "Spain" by communication campaigns that you have listed in post, videos included.

branding management of tourism in Spain by the Administration
But let the historical development of tourism as we know it today and we must go back to the dawn of the twentieth century.

"I'm going to Spain for fun. With regard to Greece gives me more joy, Greece'll maybe just because I want silence, tranquility. But in Spain I am euphoric. I go there because I want Live Well "

pasaje paquetes vacaciones paquetes vacacionales The image of the destinations through the storage media:

  • 1929-poster promoting Malaga winter destination by the National Tourism

  • 1930-poster promoting the image of Spain to Toledo by the National Tourism

  • 1940-Poster Gothic art promotion undertaken by the Directorate General of Tourism

  • 1941-Poster promoting summer on the beaches of Levante undertaken by the Directorate General of Tourism
  • 1959-Poster
Alcázar de Segovia made by the Directorate General of Tourism

The administration Tour time: 100 years of history shallow
A chronology of the development of tourism management of modern Spain is:

  • First ministerial order of the Government of Spain signed by King Alfonso on 7 October 1905:

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  • 1905-1911: The origins of tourism management, the National

  • 1911-1928: regia Police

  • 1927 first flight of the Madrid-Barcelona in three hours with 10 passengers

  • 1926: Opening of first establishment of what became Network Paradores of Spain in Gredos. King Alfonso XIII inaugurated

  • 1928-1936: National Tourism Board

  • Directorate General of Tourism

  • 1940: regulation from hotels, cafes, airlines, travel agencies and own advertising for tourism. The slogan of the time was "Spain is different"

  • 1951-1962: Ministry of Information and Tourism. First experiences

  • 1962-1973: Ministry of Information and Tourism. The expansion

  • In 1962 he created the Medal for Merit in Tourism and a year later, the Official School of Tourism. In the following years created the Festival of National Tourist Interest and open the "dutty free" at airports

  • 1973-1992: Crisis and consolidation of national tourism

  • 1975: first official act of the Kings Spain, opening of the Second National Assembly of Tourism

  • 1976: World Tourism Organization (WTO) moved its secretariat to Madrid

  • 1981: overcoming the 40 million visitors

  • 1981: birth of the 1st International Tourism Fair (FITUR)

  • 1982, marks a turning point in promoting tourism and colorist "sun" Miró becomes an icon of our country abroad. Football World Cup in Spain

  • 1983-1992: Development and transformation of tourism

  • 1984: tourists exceeded 54 million and from the administration launches campaign "Spain is sympathy"

  • 1986: The state creates the INPROTUR in 1990 was transformed into the Tourism Institute of Spain (TURESPAÑA)

  • 1992-2000: The 90. The second tourist boom

  • 2000-2005: The challenges of the new century. Innovation and sustainability

  • 2020: Spain remains a leading destination in the world?

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NODE This is thanks to Pere Martí :

Benidorm, life remains the same July churches

Year 1952

campaign explaining how to treat tourists in the 60:

The image of tourism in Spain. Part

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Cervical Ectropion Can I Still Conceive

passages: Marketing tourism emotional: a new framework for tourism brands

emotional Tourism marketing: A New Framework reference for tourism brands
These days I reflect back on this blog on emotional advertising and tourism, shelling out why our tourism image and how it built. I think I should close the cycle of making reference to what in my opinion should consider Spain as a tourist destination and generally any business entity that has a good work in this sector. As a conceptual framework I bring up the ideas explored on the marking Spain with reference to the magnificent work Emotional Branding by Marc Gobe . I'm going to allow the license to adapt its principles to our business and about them, speak on the new approach to be taken by any self-respecting tourist brand.

How to read this post? Marc Gobe

is very clear. Postulated the 10 principles of emotional advertising and on this basis, I related my ideas and I searched for my paradigmatic examples of the new scenario in which we are immersed. Some still think that Web 2.0 is far away. For them especially dedicated the benchmark companies that quote and destinations that are emerging in their sectors and who have assimilated the new marketing paradigms century. Isaac Vidal it did in its day reference to it in his blog. Therefore still need to evangelize in our industry and much, much coaching 2.0. I personally perceive and noticeable results in the sector in which I move. Ojiplaticos are no longer trying to crack the code of the conversation. Now tourism is the actors themselves who want to talk. They know it is important to their business strategy. They know the power of the client perceived the conversation.
I recommend that the examples, visit the different sections of sites you propose, your videos, its design and appeal to emotions in an intelligent manner, as set out conversations with their customers by inviting them to engage with the brand proposition seeking confirmation of it. All images are associated with their links to make navigation easier. For

I dedicate all my adaptation of the 10 points that interpret Gobé as follows:

  • Fork people: in the new economy XXI century witnessed the end of the era of marketing interruption and on the contrary, the establishment of the age of permission marketing. The time of our clients is important and makes grants to not more than 10 minutes of attention. Will we be able to take advantage and have an interesting story that seduces your attention?. That will be the key to success in the surroundings of the company 2.0. The ongoing conversation is underway and this will force brands to talk to their customers. 2.0 Society demands it. That's happening now and the trend will be successful for communicate and disappearance of the stage for those who refuse to do so. The "consumer" is a captive of the marks on the contrary, those governing the markets with their conversation.
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  • Proceeds to the experience: products meet consumer needs in the best and yet experiences meet the customer's wishes. We are not sellers beds, we are sellers experiences. And tourist services not packaged as before and to advertise through printed catalogs, we now create credible stories and pass them through the tools 2.0. And do not endorse products or services, we are told stories and storytelling and storytellers. No longer went tour operations, we are now directors of the experiences resulting from the trust in our brands for the consumer century. Got it?. (Link to marketing XXI century). The experience seekers .
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  • From hone Stid to trust. Like the concept that quality is amortized in our industry, honesty is assumed. Trust is intimate and binding among humans. It's something to be conquered. Recommendation systems, opinion forums, blogs and social networking, conversation is the new ecosystem of our brand. Although not unique. Reputation, visibility and proactive defense of brands are fighting in these trenches. Brands have to be willing to share their strategy with customers to discuss and build value on this relationship. This is the case of Tablet Hotels . Will you let them tell you?. Like it is too late.

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  • quality, to take precedence: quality currently comodity status while generating mode preference for my brand is leading to sales. Preference is to add value and that the customer perceives it as such awakening insights. "We link our customers with our brand to have a preference for our destinies?. Do we do what we need for our customers to perceive the presence of our brand?. This is the question.

  • Of notoriety to aspiration: our brand is known not mean it is loved in the market. Budgets, politics, human resources are necessary but not the key to success and our brands. Our brand should be intended and desired emotionally in the scenarios in which it works and it depends on the intelligent management of human resources that govern our brand. Are we desired in our markets and to our customers and suppliers?.

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  • The identity of personality: identity is the recognition and yet the personality has to do with character and charisma, with the thrill of desire for our brand. Personality is desired in the markets by users of trademarks. Sometimes represent the extension of the self or way of being. Do we have the strength and charisma to make our customers our brand evangelists?. Does your brand personality?.

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  • In the presence of ubiquity: ubiquity is seen . The presence is felt. The marks should dress experiences and these must be related, perceived and lived. In this new context of the dramatization of the experiences and the Dream Society, suggest it is always best to show. The seduction connecting brands with people. Does your brand presence?.

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  • From communication to dialogue: -way communication is a reflection of the marketing of the twentieth century. The new marketing requires dialogue. The conversation between brands and customers must be bidirectional. Do you share your strategy with who makes you useful and visible in the market. " "Talk to your customers?.

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  • of service to the relationship: the service is sold. Value is knowledge, attention, listening, recognition. In October 2007, the BBC dismissed 1,800 workers out of a total of 2,500 planned. "The media and audiences become transformed," said Mark Thompson, BBC director general, to employees. "I worry too see that (the BBC) becomes irrelevant," he said. In April 2008, the situation takes a 360 º: downloads platform BBC iPlayer launched in the wake of the restructuring of the strategy caused by the crisis, get 17 million downloads. In some programs, the online audience is reaching 10% of the total audience of it. Besides the popularity of BBC iPlayer triggered cross traffic to the site header "". servicing to interact bidirectionally with users, so does the marketing of the XXI century. How does our brand with our customers. "
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pasajes a ofertas pasajes paquete
And your marketing strategy, Excited?.

emotional Tourism marketing: a new framework for tourism brands

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