Monday, May 2, 2011

Generato Opisów Wstawek

A couple of weeks of relaxation

So here I'm already back. I did not move the demarcation-say. Only I focused on other activities. Ilda My friend gave me a great load of new plants for my garden, mostly succulent because we really liked them grow in this land. After planting them every couple of days devoted plenty of water as the heat is enormous.

day temperature is high and night and therefore, have suffered from insomnia for several weeks, but instead of attacking me thoughts that are huge at about 3 am, I chose to listen to some audio book with my headphones, and without disturbing anyone. I'm currently listening to The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Since I had read several years ago but someone is always pleasant to hear you tell it. Since

touch the subject, I would say that listening to audiobooks when you sew alone is extremely rewarding. Now there's a huge amount of titles in English and English. In this case, is read Thirteenth Tale by Bianca Amato an actress whose forte is the theater and who was educated at the Royal Academy of Shakespeare. Not imagine such an enormous pleasure it is to hear the story of her mouth, with such fluency and diction. Well, that is what I do in the mornings.

Moreover, with the departure of my beloved Wanda, the garden that was his territory, his kingdom, now gradually began to be populated by other people that have already realized that no canine animal round these parts . A black squirrel, lots of birds that were previously only on the branches, now eat seeds directly onto the lawn. In addition, every day when the sun fell and we saw that runs its usual tour around the perimeter the house a creature much like a raccoon but these Mexican lands called Ringtail (the X pronounced "sh"). tinier than the raccoon, striped tail and abundant, according to wikipedia, easy to tame and very loving . Well, in this house or what you think!
On the other hand, we also learn of the birth of a litter of 4 kittens. We had seen the mother hanging around here but we knew nothing of the happy event.
they lied to, I had refused to even see the kids but as soon as Alfi taught me the first picture, I got the call ..... are beautiful and tiny. The largest measured 15 inches around 15. I gave them milk. But I can not stay with them. I do not know even as caring for a cat or rather does one begin to have some connection with him. We will take you to the shelter in the coming days because that's how beautiful babes and surely someone will love them.

I also sewed, I embroidered, I bound and I made a couple of boxes. I'll post that tomorrow.


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